Monday, November 28, 2011

Our Nation's sex education needs some help.

Honestly I hate abortion.  It terrifies me that someone can even be cold enough to have one.  However it is not my place to judge other women either, I am not that righteous and never will be. The moment someone thinks they are righteous enough to judge someone else, they lose said righteousness. That being said, the general populace needs to realize that there is more to Planned Parenthood then abortion.  If it weren't for planned parenthood, I wouldn't have gotten to see a gynecologist when I needed to so badly for my misdiagnosed PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome).  Birth Control is not evil either.  Further on that subject, sex education lacking on a national scale.

I don't think it's okay to for girls and boys to run around and have meaningless sex. Saying that you have to realize that people treat the word sex like a cuss word.   As a people we tend to avoid it in everyday conversation.  Is it more inappropriate to avoid saying sex and have people come up with all sorts of other word and phrases that are just wrong. I could probably name a few hundred terms that I grew up with, because it was taboo to say sex, or even talk about sex at all.

 News flash to the nation. We are humans, humans are mammals, mammals are animals, animal have instincts, instincts are key to survival.  Part of survival on the large scale is populating the earth with babies, which...gasp...requires sex between a male and a female.  We have a leg up on all the other animals on earth we have the intelligence to control our instincts. We don't have to be as abrupt with our passions and hormones, and we have the opportunity to raise our children with this enlightenment too.  This is not happening though.  It seems that society has chosen to keep sex a dirty little secret. Plain stupidity!

Sex isn't a dirty little secret at all.  You can sugar coat it say it needs romance. Well technically know it doesn't it.  Is romance nice? Certainly, however technically it not needed to get the job done.  So while we paint the idea of romance in our children's minds, their hormones are going crazy and telling them to do this and that.  And while they are being raised to not talk about sex, they do what all intelligent mammals do....experiment to see what works.  Why?  Mostly because they do not have information on sex. They don't know what it is truly.  They are told to not think about it.  However they don't know the basics on what happens.

I realize that all the previous makes me sound like I am saying that sexual morals having nothing to do with sex education.  Which would be inaccurate.  Please by all means teach the sexual morals...but present sex in a more scientific fashion.  Do be afraid to use the correct anatomical names for body parts.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with a child saying penis, or vagina.  It's the same as saying brain, heart, liver, stomach...etc.

I mean I am all about teaching the appropriate time to say these things.  When my son was 4 or 5 he had fell in Church, and he came up to me and said he had hurt his penis and testes with tears in his eyes.  He was trying not to grab himself because he has been taught that it's not  nice to grab oneself like that.  However instead of people seeing this one of the women my age, gasped because he said penis and testes.  Here's the kicker...I found out she's a nurse later on. Come on!  Really?  He didn't yell it, he didn't even talk loud. I comforted him and that was that.

So Planned Parenthood has a place because as a society we created that place for it be.  Which makes me angry and sad all at once.   I have nothing wrong with birth control, it saved my life, fixed my PCOS and I got's was a miracle and unplanned, but without Birth Control, my condition may have gotten worse.  There is little awareness out there for  PCOS...more then used to be still not enough.  

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